Tuesday, September 4, 2007

MySpace + Ancient Rome = HUH?

Oh, school. Is it May yet?
Seriously. Is it? Because I'm not sure that I can handle going through middle school again this year. Last year was alright. I was in seventh grade and it was cool. Okay, not cool, because it was seventh grade, but cool as in, "I'm okay with this." I'm not so sure about this year. I just don't remember having that much DRAMA and STUPIDITY in my life at that age.
True Story: We were discussing the Roman Empire and their amazing network of roads and their ability to carry messages from one corner of the empire to the other in a matter of days. The point was being made that the Ancient Romans did not have electricity, and therefore, no telephones, television, or Internet. One girl actually asked how the ANCIENT ROMANS would access their MySpace pages if there was no electricity. One would think that having been told that there was no electricity would then lead one to the knowledge that there was no such thing as MySpace. Not true of the middle school students in Akron.


Unknown said...

I, too, cannot wait for May, already. I had registration duty for four and one half hours today. I answered such mind numbing questions as, "If I gotta take a full load because I need the money for insurance, but I gotta work all the time, how am I gonna, y'know, pass these classes and stuff?"

"Well you could cut back on work or school."

"Nah, I got no time for cuttin' back."

"I don't know then."

"Oh, alright."

The Snicklefritz said...

Well, they had IM, at least. Right? Um...email then? What? No electricity? Seriously, how did the Romanians like even survive back then? I think you're just telling stories. They totally had MySpace. Oh, that was a good joke. No MySpace...as if.

The Snicklefritz said...

Lies, all of it, lies! You know the comrades loved their MySpace.

ASLTerp said...

You mean, MySharedCommuneSpace? Because those Commies believed in the collective and not the individual.
Hmm, just picturing some poor Eastern European kid trying to access his MySpace page using one of those old Macs with the green screen. Little Viktor is probably excited that he'll be getting "Oregon Trail" on floppy disk for his birthday.