Monday, October 22, 2007

Worst Banking Customers Ever!

Yeah, Mom, you think you would have taught us better than this...but, Mike and I have become some of your dreaded "worst bank customers." Saturday morning (who am I kidding, we all know it was barely morning), Mike and I went to the bank to update our accounts. We both had checks to deposit and then we needed to add Mike to my account and change my name, etc. And we decided to add Mike to my account based solely on the fact that I have my account number memorized and he does not have his memorized. Forget the fact that he actually has direct deposits, etc. That was of no consequence to my way of thinking. Anyway, we get to the bank and we get in line to make our deposits, and I have completely filled out my deposit slip, while Mike has not. Because, as I mentioned just four sentences ago (you're going back and actually counting the sentences now, aren't you?), I have my account number memorized and Mike does not have his memorized. So, there, strike number two against Mike: no account number on his deposit slip. You're probably wondering what strike number one was Mike and me walking into the bank at 11:55 Saturday morning. That's right, we had serious banking business to do, and we waited until five minutes till close in which to conduct it. Mom would be so proud. Not.
But wait, it gets better...once we make our deposits, we still have to meet with a personal banker and set up Mike on my account and do a name change. This actually took a lot of time because the guy we met with seemed to sit and stare at his computer screen a lot while we were there. He would tap on his keyboard for a few seconds and then sit and stare. So, the bank either had a really slow operating system, or a really slow operator, not sure which. Strike number three: Mike and I had to have the doors unlocked for us as we exited the bank at twenty after twelve.


The Snicklefritz said...

I'm so ashamed of you. And so is Mom.

True story: One time my bank out here on the Shore tried to tell me that the state of Ohio was passing bad checks and would not deposit my tax refund check. I was about to get all Worst Banking Customer Ever on them. You know it's true. You were there.

ASLTerp said...

I was there. I do know.
Did you ever get that mess straightened out? Have you received a new check from the state of Ohio yet?
Mayhap if you didn't live in the Siberia of the East Coast, you wouldn't have those kinds of know, podunk bank doesn't even know that there IS a state called Ohio, let alone know what to do with a check from said state.