Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hooray! I'm back online!

Well, after two weeks of technical difficulties, I'm finally able to log onto the Internet from home! The cable/Internet provider of northeast Ohio finally came through and I am back to receiving the services for which I pay $97 a month. It remains to be seen if they will accurately credit our account for the 14 DAYS when we were unable to watch our television or use our computer for the Internet.


Mike said...

Yay! We're back in the 21st century!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back...You have about 87 posts to read on "Time to Play" in order to catch up to the madness that is Bill Halter :)

But he is funny...I'll give him that.


ASLTerp said...

Seriously, I know your dad is retired and all, but where does he find the time to do crazy stuff and then blog about it? Even when I have regular Internet access, and I'm on summer vacation with nothing better to do, I don't post as often as he does.

Unknown said...

I have also been astonished by the abundance of clever posts about crazy adventures by THE Mr. Halter.