Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Good Reasons Why I Don't Work in an Elementary School Setting, No. 1

Today I went over to the elementary school to interpret for an afterschool enrichment/tutoring program. I was in the school's main office, waiting to sign in, when a little boy came in, crying. He was with a teacher who went up to the main counter to ask the secretary to call this boy's parents because he had "pooped his pants." At the mention of this, the little boy, who looked to be about kindergarten-age, started sobbing even harder. I hadn't even been in the building for five minutes before I encountered a strangely typical elementary school problem.

The middle school may have drama, but it does not have students who poop their pants.


The Snicklefritz said...

OK, really. You'd think the teacher could be a little more tactful. Seriously, the kid is already upset and embarrassed and crying. Sheesh. How about, "He had an accident." I mean, I know it's elementary school and teachers have to deal with this sort of thing but please.

And you still have not entirely convinced that elementary school is any worse than middle school.

Bill said...

No pants pooping beyond elementary school? You were not there when my Chem students started reading their final exam.

ASLTerp said...

Yes, I was taken a little aback by the teacher's somewhat harsh and abrupt way of announcing to the entire main office that this little boy had had an accident.

Amanda said...

Almost totally aside from the topic mentioned, which made me think of teachers who don't suck, there's a Mrs. Ritter fan page on facebook. It's mostly kids who are currently students as SEHS but I became a fan because Mrs. Ritter is pretty much the best teacher ever.