Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Post-Election Thoughts

I haven't thought too much about the outcome of the election. The school levy I voted on failed, which is what I was hoping would happen. The casino issue also failed, again, what I wanted to happen. I don't have strong feelings about any of the actual candidates for whom I voted. Some of them won, some of them lost. I'm more of a wait and see kind of person. As in, okay, now Obama has been elected, let's see what he does.

One cool thing that happened at school the Wednesday after the election (we didn't have classes on that Tuesday) was a discussion I had with one of the deaf students about Obama. These deaf students who I work with are so cut off from so much information, I basically had a conversation about general presidential stuff. Like, the president serves for four years and then we vote again. The little boy didn't quite know what happened to a president after his term is done. He didn't realize that there are men who used to be president who are still alive. He was kind of equating all presidents with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, not realizing the connection between Presidents Washington and Bush (that the presidency is an ongoing office). Randomly, then, when I was discussing past presidents I had to explain that there is a difference between being dead and being killed. This little boy and I were supposed to be doing science homework, but sometimes conversations with the deaf students about real life occurrences take precedence.


Amanda said...

At least your student didn't think we killed President's that are voted out of office!

My post-election thoughts: Why are there still political commercials on my TV?

The Snicklefritz said...

I'm fortunate enough to live in an area where I get another state's political ads in addition to the local political ads. That's always pleasant. And by pleasant, I mean annoying.