Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Well, I see from the poll that everyone out there approves of New Year's Resolutions. Does that mean that all of you set some goals for yourselves this year? I actually wrote a few resolutions because I think that setting goals, as long as they are realistic, is a good thing to do and what better time than at the New Year?

Some of my resolutions include cooking more at home (we tend to eat out a lot because it's more convenient) and learning to cook some new things. I also would like to use my sewing machine more often. I don't know if I can achieve the craftiness level of the Snicklefritzes (see the blog), but there are some projects I would like to try. I would also like to learn how to use a pattern (up till now I've only sewed things by cutting them out after using a ruler to measure lengths). Patterns that come in envelopes are little bit scary.

I thought about coming up with some kind of resolution concerning books and reading, but I read ninety books last year and I decided that quantity isn't quality. I don't mean that I read a lot of stupid books last year, because I didn't (although there were certainly a few that I gave bad reviews on Goodreads), but I don't think that I need to set some kind of a goal in regards to reading. I already read a lot.

Professionally, I think I would like to try some community interpreting (probably during the summer). I'm so used to working with children that it would be nice to be exposed to some different levels of language use. I recently took the EIPA which is an interpreting assessment for educational interpreters. I did okay, but I know that I can improve my score, so I want to either retake it at some point or take the RID/NAD certification test, the NIC, which is a generalist assessment of skills. And, finally, now that I'm a full time interpreter my degree and years of experience actually play a role in my salary level, so getting a master's degree would be beneficial. I'm thinking, if I want to stay in the educational interpreting field, that I should get a master's in literacy/reading education because of all the language issues that I deal with everyday. If I want a master's in interpreting I'd have to go to Gallaudet. I don't know.


The Snicklefritz said...

Gallaudet puts you much closer to the Snicklefritzes! And the ocean! And PONIES!! So I vote for that. :)

And I think your resolutions are pretty good. Cooking at home is something I should do more often, too. We tend to pick up food on the way home from work a lot. Homecooking would both save money and be potentially healthier for us.

And I think I voted yes, resolutions are good because I think even if they get broken (which they usually do), wanting to improve oneself is a good thing.

Unknown said...

I recently discovered that my employer offers continuing education classes including but not limited to "French Cuisine" and "Motorcycle Safety for MD Licenses."

I didn't exactly resolve to do anything this year, but I'm not ruling anything out yet.


Amanda said...

Yay for resolutions! I know I've touted Rachel Ray before but if you're looking to learn new things to cook, I highly recommend her new Big Orange Book, which is full of delicious looking recipes. My apologies for not italicizing the title but I'm to dumb to use HTML tags.

Unknown said...


I've got a resolution for you.

How about you comment on other people's blogs more!