Friday, October 26, 2007


Ohmygosh!! I just found out that you can add polls to your blog. I'm so super pumped. Check out my first poll! I know the question is slightly generic and I can probably predict every person's response (of the people whom I actually know read my blog), but who cares? Do the poll anyway!!!!


The Snicklefritz said...

Sis, who would you say is my favorite Be-atle? I know I'm John, but that was sort of by default, as I knew the lyrics to a couple "John" songs that you were not so familiar with. And everyone knows that "Paul is the cute one." But Ringo is pretty hilarious in Help! and he sings a couple good songs, like "Yellow Submarine" and "Act Naturally". And George totally rescued Ringo when he was kidnapped (in Help!) and he had a few good songs out there, too, like "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". So I'm not sure that I can pick one...but I suppose I'll have to go with John (by default).

ASLTerp said...

Sis, I totally knew you would vote for John.
Speaking of the Be-atles...if anyone would like to see proof that George Harrison was the Beatle with the best sense of humor, go to YouTube and search for "The Pirate Song George Harrison."