Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Corruption of Christmas

The world has gone mad. As I was driving home from school today, I passed a house that had one of those giant, inflatable Christmas decorations in the front yard. The hideous part was that it was a giant, inflatable Nativity scene. I was horrified. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph (was I just naming the characters in the Nativity? Or was I just swearing in an Irish-Catholic fashion? I'm not sure) were all cartoonishly huge and balloon-like. It was soooo tacky.
Oh, this all reminds me of that story from working one Christmas at Hallmark. True Story: One Christmas, while I was working at the Hallmark at home, a girl came in and wanted to know if we sold any Christmas snowglobes. I directed her to the front of the store where we had a display of Precious Moments snowglobes, all featuring a Nativity scene. The girl, who was probably between the ages of 18 and 20, looked me straight in the eye and said, "Oh, is this it? I was hoping you would have something more Christmasy." SOMETHING MORE CHRISTMASY. I kid you not. Is it even possible to be more Christmasy than a scene depicting the birth of Christ, Himself?


Unknown said...

Nothing says Christmas like a PlayMobil Jesus.

ASLTerp said...

Is PlayMobil connected to Lego in any way? I haven't done any research on this, but the PlayMobil people look a bit like Lego people. Would a Lego Nativity set disturb you as much as a PlayMobil set apparently does? I, for one, cannot decide if a Lego Nativity set would be cool or too God-like and creepy.

Unknown said...

No, actually, I love the PlayMobil set (16.95 at Target, and Christmas-time is coming). I was just wondering what you thught of them in light of this post.

I'm not sure what you mean by "too God-like," but it reminds me of a youthful innocence, except that I never had any PlayMobil anything. I had to carve my own toys out of sticks using dull rocks, so I guess it reminds me of a pampered and spoiled innocent state that I never actually lived through.

Unknown said...

and, by "thugt of them" I meant "thought of them."

My computer is so slow on RAM that the letters I type sometimes don't appear after the delay between my fingers pressing the key and the few seconds later when they appear on the screen.

Unknown said...

Forgive my persistant improper capitalization of Playmobil, and here is a link.

ASLTerp said...

I'm sorry, I cannot purchase the Playmobil Nativity set for you, as it is currently out of stock at Target.

I guess by "God-like" I mean having the ability to build the baby Jesus would be a little weird. But, now that I've thought on it, I don't think that having a Lego Nativity would be as strange as I originally thought. People make carvings and art portraying the Nativity, so why not a Lego or Playmobil set? And, for the record, I, too, think that the Playmobil set is pretty cool and would be perfect for small children (but not too small, as it probably has tiny parts that one could choke on) or for a Sunday school class, 26 year old college English teacher, etc. I don't know why I view the Playmobil set in a different light than the giant, inflatable Nativity I saw the other day, but for some reason, I do.

I completely enjoyed the insinuation that your keyboarding skills are so well-honed that you type too quickly for your keystrokes to register in your computer. (Although, I have experienced this phenomenon on the crappy computers at school...I'll be typing away at an email and then ten seconds letter the letters pop up).

While I'm forgiving you for the improper capitalization of Playmobil, I'll forgive you for your misspelling of "persistant."

Unknown said...

I think that anything inflatable is almost obscene in its grotesque inflatable state.

Two thumbs down.

My neighbors have a giant Santa-Shrek. I liked the Shrek movies, but I find the decoration almost offensive in its hideousness.