Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cool Book Website

Hey, I just discovered this cool website that lets you record books that you have read, write reviews, rate them, etc. You can also start a list of books that you are currently reading, books you are planning on reading ("to-read"), and also categorize the books you've finished.

I'm not going to lie to you...I'm a little bit geeky and I have a written record of books that I have read. So, when I found this website I entered all of those books (only going back to January 2005--yes, that was my New Year's resolution for 2005...did I mention I am a bit geeky?) and rated them. I wrote reviews for a few of the books on my list, but I think most of the reviews are for books that I totally hated. Because those are the ones that were, unfortunately, seared into my memory. And even though I have a written list of books that I've read beginning in January 2005, I only added and rated the books that I could somewhat remember and draw an impression of.

I'm not sure if John Q. can check out my list without actually joining the website, because I don't know if there is a way that you can search for a specific user's list, unless you have joined the site and then you can become "friends." (How completely MySpace-ish did that just sound?) But, I think if you search for a specific book, you could find either my rating or my review of that book. And then we could try to link up and be "friends." Right now, I have no friends (was that pathetic sounding?), so I encourage all of you to join and make your own booklists!! Go to Goodreads.


The Snicklefritz said...

True Story: I have no memory of actually reading Wuthering Heights in AP English. So, not all horrible literature experiences are seared into my brain. If I could only forget a couple others though...shudder.

And Mom if you're reading this, True Story: I read Wuthering Heights in AP English and man! That Cathy and Heathcliff! Why can't they just get things figured out?!

Unknown said...

It sure would be alot easier to share booklists with you if you told us what your Goodreads username or email address was.

I'm just saying.