Thursday, May 15, 2008


Okay, so yesterday I made a bold statement by saying that only two things scare me. But it's okay because I was borrowing that quote from the first Austin Powers movie. I've thought on the subject some more and I've come to the realization that there are actually many things that scare me. Such as robots. Or men with long fingernails. Or thoughts of the deaf students' lives after high school. But, I thought some more and I came to the conclusion that there are different kinds of fear. For example, robots don't really scare me in the same way that men with long fingernails do, or even thinking about what kind of life a deaf student will have after high school.

Robots scare me because I've seen The Terminator (one and two) and I, Robot. But I still dig robots, like Rosie from The Jetsons. And ROBOT is still one of the greatest signs I've ever learned. It's only certain robots that worry me. I have mixed feelings on that little robot, Asimo, who recently conducted Yo-Yo Ma and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. I mean, Asimo's cute and all, but programming him to conduct an orchestra is scary. What's also strange is that Honda manufactured Asimo and Detroit welcomed him with open arms to conduct their symphony orchestra.

Men who have long fingernails are also scary. Just thinking about guys with long nails gives me the heebie-jeebies. They creep me out! I don't know what it is, but in going au natural, those men are unnatural.

Oh, and the deaf students. Mostly I worry about what they will be doing in their lives after high school. Out of all of the students with whom I've worked at the high school and middle school, there's only one who I can envision living a successful and productive life. The others have so much conflict in their home lives and they have so many issues communicating with the hearing world that I don't know how they'll end up.


Unknown said...

I, for one, cannot wait until robots take over the world. It's been a long time coming, and I think we're ready for a change that allows decisions to be based on logic, music to be arranged and composed and directed with synthetically accurate timing, and for the world to be less full of human waste.

Bring it on Terminator and iRobot guys! The Roomba is the first step. Welcome them into your homes first, and then into your world leaderships!

ASLTerp said...

Hmm, the Roomba. Yet another way to terrorize your cats! It's a vacuum cleaner that follows you, Bosco!!

The Snicklefritz said...

Dear ASLTerp,

I regret to inform you that I will no longer be a patron of your blog. I have thoroughly enjoyed your musings on life and often found hilarity in them. Unfortunately, on Thursday, May 15, 2008, I read of a subject so horrible, so utterly heinous, I could no longer sit idly by. This subject is despicable, deplorable, and disgusting, and I cannot believe you would write of such a thing! Shame to you! What if an innocent child stumbled across your blog? Did you not think of that? I suppose a life filled with middle-schoolers would quickly jade any innocent soul, but there is no need to be vulgar on this blog. You know of what I write; there is no need to mention it here.

The Snicklefritz

ASLTerp said...

Actually, "Snicklefritz," if that's your real name (which I doubt), I do NOT know of what you write. Or should I say, of which you write. I mentioned five totally horrifying things on my blog the past few days. Perhaps you would care to expound on which one you find so, as you call it, "heinous?" Or, if you prefer, you can hide behind your conveniently anonymous "Snicklefritz" identity.

Thank you,

Author of the "ASLTerp Blog"

P.S. Don't pretend that you're not reading this...I knew you were unable to boycott my blog.

The Snicklefritz said...

OK. Seriously. I married a man who bites his nails (of course, that's not the only reason I married him, but it's a HUGE plus). Men should not have fingernails longer than mine. That is just not natural and it creeps me out. Like majorly creeps me out. *shudder*