Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Thank You Mom and Dad

Thank you Mom and Dad for being sensible, responsible parents and raising sensible, responsible children. Children who did not attend middle school dressed like total streetwalkers. Children who did not attend middle school acting like complete hooligans. Actually, now that I think about it, Mom and Dad, you should really be thanking the three of us, your children. Thank us because we did not act like imbeciles. Thank us because we did not dress like idiots. Thank us for being only mildly annoying and embarassing. Thank us for not becoming drug addicts. Thank us for earning excellent grades. Thank us for knowing the proper way to behave in public. Thank us for respecting our teachers. Thank us for NOT making your lives hell.

True Story: Today was the second to last day of school. I am ready for summer break. The kids think that they are ready for the summer, but they have no idea how happy the staff members are to see them go.


The Snicklefritz said...

Well, part of Mom and Dad's good parenting probably resulted from the fact that they weren't still in high school when they had us kids. Plus, they were married (novel concept, I know).

The Snicklefritz said...

And could you define "dressed like a streetwalker?"

A certain episode of COPS comes to mind...

ASLTerp said...

Oh, COPS. I just watched an episode the other night. Nothing as hilarious as that episode we saw when they were in Indianapolis, though. Yikes, if that's what streetwalkers in Indianapolis look like, it's a wonder the police even need a vice do the pimps stay in business over there? They must do a swell job of pimping.

Oh, the definition of "dressed like a streetwalker." Well, the eighth grade girls were not dressed like those Indy women, but they were dressed in completely inappropriate fashions. The length of their skirts/dresses. The cut of their clothes. The height of the heels they were wearing. Only an eighth-grader would wear three-inch heels to school. Any other person, say, an adult, would know better. Hello, foot pain.