Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Time Warner Cable: I Hate You!

We're still having issues with our cable and Internet provider, the aforementioned Time-Warner. We received our bill yesterday, and, not surprisingly, we did not receive the proper credit for the 14 days we were without service (see previous post: "Hooray! I'm back online!"). Well, I called Time-Warner and talked to "Danny" who was not overly helpful. I questioned Time-Warner's math skills by asking how much one day of DVR, two cable hook-ups, plus Internet, costs, and "Danny" was unable to properly tell me. I then said that if I'm paying $97 for roughly 30 days of service, having no service for 14 days should warrant more than a $12 credit. "Danny" then said that we were credited for ten days, not fourteen. He, rather snidely, asked why we waited so long before contacting Time-Warner to inform them of the outage. So, I replied, "Our cable and Internet services goes out everyday, multiple times per day, so we were waiting to see if it was going to come back on on its own." "Danny" eventually gave me a $32 credit, which is still not correct and then, at the end of the call he said, "You know, I could actually lower your Internet bill to $14 per month, if you would like to add digital phone to your service." I, rather snarkily, replied, "No, I don't think we're interested in doing that right now. In fact, I believe that my husband and I will be canceling our service with Time-Warner because we aren't actually receiving the services we pay for." (Our Internet continues to run slowly, if at all, and we only get picture and sound on about twenty of the hundred or so channels we are supposed to be able to watch.) "Danny's" reply: "Have a nice day."

This is what gets me about Time-Warner: their complete lack of concern for the customers. When we called back on June 15, they said that the soonest they could have someone come out to fix things was June 25. JUNE 25!! And last night I told the man on the phone that we were looking into other cable and Internet servers, that we were still having problems with our Time-Warner service, and that we were seriously considering canceling our service. And "Danny" didn't even have the wherewithal to say, "I'm sorry, how can we help?" Or, "I'm sorry that you are unsatisfied, what can we do to make it better?" We were out with some friends over the weekend and we mentioned our cable problems and our friends made the point that Time-Warner doesn't have to care, they own a monopoly on cable in our area. This is true, and I agree with that, but I made the point that Time-Warner may be the only CABLE providers, but they are not the only Internet providers, and they are not the only TELEVISION service providers. There are other options, and if Time-Warner were smart, they would wake up to that and start treating their current and future customers with a little bit more respect and empathy.

Ah, yes, I should add that I am currently typing this post in the computer lab at the public library.


Amanda said...

Funny how Time Warner has a monopoly on cable and high speed internet in NC too. Luckily for us, a few other companies have popped up to challenge the all mighty TWC but those aren't fairing too well as of late. To finally get to the point I HATE TIME WARNER CABLE TOO!!!

The Snicklefritz said...

Out here in Siberia, we have Comcast for cable. But that doesn't really matter to the Snicklefritzes; we're still rocking the antenna! (Although, we are up to six and a half stations now that we have a digital converter.)

Mike said...

And a half?

And yes, I'm typing this from work.

Anonymous said...

I BRIEFLY had Time Warner in Lakewood...until my internet and cable started going out daily. I also had some words with guys who may or may not have been named "Danny"!

If you get a house...try DirecTV...we dig it the most.


The Snicklefritz said...

That is correct, 6.5 channels. CBS, ABC, FOX, CW, MPT (our PBS), MPT Select, and for the half: MPT Spanish! Hey, we used to only have CBS, ABC, and MPT before we got our digital converter.

Bill said...

When I was a kid, we didn't have TV. We took turns standing outside, in front of the window, doing news, weather and sports. AND WE LOVED IT!