Monday, September 10, 2007

Hmm, anything cool happen at school today? Of course not, I'm doomed to work in a middle school. And we all know that there is NOTHING cool about middle school. Hmm, speaking of middle school, The Backstreet Boys just started playing on my Yahoo! radio station. How did that happen? I don't remember selecting the teeny-bopper station.
One of the interpreters was out today and we all had to cover for her. That was not fun. Although I did totally love going into third period "Study Skills" and telling the HI teacher that I couldn't interpret for her that period. YES, THE DISTRICT-HIRED TEACHER OF THE DEAF USES A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER IN HER OWN CLASSROOM. The look on her face was priceless. Can someone please explain the logic in hiring a woman to be the HI teacher when she has no experience teaching deaf students? She hasn't signed for years. And believe me, I went through three years of the same deaf ed. program where she earned her degree, so I know who her professors were, and I know what the teaching philosophy was. This woman is not one of the first people I would pick to put in a classroom with deaf students. In fact, any person reading this post could probably do a better job of working with these deaf students than the current HI teacher does, and yes, that includes you, Bosco, reading over your mother's shoulder. At least Bosco would have the sense to refrain from using the term "deaf, dumb, and blind" in front of the students.

1 comment:

The Snicklefritz said...

Don't you love junk like that? Like not even being considered for a budget analyst job because a veteran applied for the job. Nevermind the fact that I may have been way more qualified.

And just because Bosco can't fingerspell (and therefore count) because he doesn't have as many digits on his appendages as we humans do, doesn't mean he couldn't handle some signing. As long as his attention span lasts. Maybe tie some string on the deaf students hands. He'd watch them then. Or perhaps eat them. It's a toss-up.