Thursday, September 20, 2007

Deaf World Order

I interpreted for the soccer team tonight. *Sigh* If only they would win some games...they work so hard in practice but when it comes to the games, it's like they're scared to get physical and go after the ball.

Anyway, while we were waiting for the JV team to finish up their game, the kid I interpret for outlined his plan for the future...the future where Deaf people rule the world. It was actually quite interesting. He had all of these social classes figured out, with Deaf people at the top, followed by hard of hearing people, and hearing people at the bottom.


The Snicklefritz said...

Umm, I hope you informed this student that he's incorrect. The world will one day be run by none other than the World's Most Notorious Set of Twins.

And rule by minority, isn't that akin to apartheid?

ASLTerp said...

Well, I don't think this student is really worried about the whole apartheid label. And, I suppose, if you'd been oppressed your whole life, you'd feel a little skeechy about hearing people, too.
And no, I did not inform him that the World's Most Notorious Set of Twins would be ruling the world someday. Mainly because I don't know how I would translate that into sign language.