Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Message From God???

Let's see, today is Wednesday, so it was on Monday...
Monday I was sitting in math class, interpreting a lesson on complementary angles and supplementary angles, when one of the freakiest things I've ever seen happen happened (yes, I know I just repeated the word "happen," read the sentence aloud and it will make sense). Well, first of all, we're in a classroom that overlooks the street. So, we hear this loud BOOM and the lights go out. We looked out the window, and I saw a utility pole across the street swaying back and forth, but we didn't see a car or anything, so we figured that it could not have been an accident that caused the power failure. Of course, the entire class followed the teacher, the other interpreter in the room and me to the window and they have their faces pressed up against the glass, trying to see what happened, even though there really wasn't anything to see. Yet. Because then we saw a utility pole on our side of the street go nuts. There was a blue light, which I describe as similar to the burning bush effect in The Ten Commandments, totally unreal-looking, yet still happening. So, this blue light is coming from the wires on the utility pole; it flashed for about three seconds and then a huge explosion of sparks went off with another loud BOOM. By this time the kids are freaking out: "We're going to get to go home early!" "Ohmygosh! What was that?!" "The school's going to blow up!" "Do we still have to do our lesson if we don't have electricity?" You can imagine a classful of middle school students in the midst of the excitement outside. Because, let's not forget to mention the school security guard, the school police officer, the principal, numerous members of the janitorial staff, and a couple of lunch ladies, who ran outside to see what was going on. The power is trying to come back on, it flickers a few times, and then somehow it comes back on for good. We still can't see for sure what happened. We were thinking that since there was no actual car accident in sight that perhaps there had been a huge power surge or something. The kids slowly got back to their seats and we continued on learning that complementary angles add up to 90 degrees and supplementary angles add up to 180. Eventually, by the end of the day, we learned that a delivery truck (a semi) for the grocery store across the street had snagged the power line and pulled it down. The utility pole was broken off and power lines were snaking across the street. Part of the road was closed down and it was a mess getting the kids dismissed in a safe manner (although, we probably wouldn't have missed a few of them, had they been silly enough to approach the downed lines).
Seeing the wires light up and spark was seriously one of the craziest, weirdest, unbelievable things I have ever physically witnessed.


The Snicklefritz said...

True Story: One time I was almost electrocuted by static electricity in the satellite room at SEHS. All I did was touch the VCR. You know it's true. You were there.

That's my electricity story. The end.

ASLTerp said...

True Story: that electric blast was almost as loud as the booms we heard on Monday. Okay, not really, but it WAS the loudest static electric shock I'd ever heard. Thank the Lord that I wasn't on the receiving end of that one. Although, seriously, that was probably God's punishment to us for bringing in tapes of the Olympics and Conan to watch instead of our German tapes.
Mom, you're not reading this are you? Because if you are, you should totally know that I was just joking about us watching shows other than KET's German course.
Ahh, the SEHS satellite room...a bastion of static electricity.

The Snicklefritz said...

Seriously, they needed to put a humidifier in there or something. Nevermind all the computers and electric equipment.

Maybe at least they have a defibrilator in there for the next poor soul who doesn't walk away from the static shock.

ASLTerp said...

Why would they need a defibrilator in there, when you could just make the connection between the person's finger to the VCR or the filing cabinet or a chair leg or something?
I doubt that SEHS even offers satellite classes to the kiddies anymore.